United Front: System Safety Plan Course
Updates Log
Here’s one place to see what’s been updated in the course. Latest updates are at the top.
2023 – We’ve been adding TL;dr sections to some of the pages, and added a System Safety Plan Speed Run video at the start of the course to help folks start their safety plan before going into the more detailed sections of the course.
2022-08-20 – Uploaded version 0.6 of the PDF for the course, with very minor updates: Page number now on all interior pages of the PDF. Added “rope (flow, jump, macrame)” to the Toolbox ideas. To keep it in alignment with the 2023 planner (work in progress), added the idea to split the Daily Maintenance column on Staying in “Ship Shape” into “essentials” and “stretch goals/extras” after talking to another system and finding that we both had done the same thing. Synchronicity! Thus we also updated the headings on the right columns of Foul Waters, Navigating Dangers & Batten the Hatches to reflect the use of the “essentials” list, and starting off the columns for the user. This is not a big change, and folk can continue to use other plan versions without issues.