United Front: Building Community Group Coaching
Background Info: Why this course exists
Note: This course originally ran for 6 weeks from February 21st to March 28th 2021 with live participants.
Welcome back alumni! 🙂
Here’s some of the prep work and “background info” for this topic.
If you’ve never done any of the System Trust Issues podcast series (or the Building Trust coaching course) work, we highly recommend doing this before working on this course. The podcast series is about 3 hours, fully transcribed as well. But it may take time to absorb and implement.
Brush up on AISOAVV (article link, or re-listen to the AISOAVV episode in the podcast above). Many of our works are based around this concept — we find something that looks helpful in external life and we figure out whether or how it works inner-world or with internal relationships. We bounce the idea off other systems, explore it ourselves, teach the ideas, others check them out and verify when it works for them or makes sense. That’s our big mojo secret.
It’s not a mystery.
[Actually, half the time we end up finding the concept somewhere else, maybe in a neglected paragraph or something we underlined in Frank Putnam’s book but we took it and reframed it and made it make sense for plurals. When we did this with SURRENDER™ to Passion (our 2nd book) we beat the “discovery” of mindfulness to market by about 6 months or something — but we suck at marketing and the books not all that, see Better Spoons courses or presentations for those ideas repackaged for plurals.]
So — researching concepts around building internal community, of course culture is hugely important! We were writing for United Front: Adventurers and researching. How do people/businesses build culture and community (on purpose) — because we could look at sociology/anthropology of cultures that arise organically after-the-fact — or we can look at what happens to create culture from nothing given a disparate group tossed together in a “situation”.
We got some great tips, then dove into combining this with info on Positive Psychology and resilience for survivors of trauma (and what sets apart people in a panic situation to either not develop PTSD or recover quickly from PTSD) — a hint of which ended up in the United Front Ship’s Log Dated Planner. Meanwhile our subcommittees have been pouring over info in the back. Values, principles, ethics, culture, resilience…and throwing some ideas at the wall.
We have something sticky. We want you& to check it out with us before it goes into our books more than it already is. We talked to some other plurals about parts of it. There were some hints of it in other coaching groups and discussion with some group alumni, and other community activists, our partner, etc. We have a sub-committee dedicated to how to package & present it so it’s easier to “See” the connections between core strengths (for individuals) and community values (for systems).
We’ve had a to-do for months to work on a “values” article and podcast. Now it’s grown. It’s big. It’s not just values or principles, but developing specific culture- & resilience-building aspects of community. We attempted to put all of this into 6 weeks — and kinda failed. It’s in 6 modules, but everyone in the course agreed that they wanted a lot more time to go through the course in a self-paced manner.
Alumni, please join us in the course. When we synergize stuff like this, it’s bigger than we are and we want to share it and get some valuable feedback about it