United Front: Developing Better Spoons Course
Spoonies, Internalized Ableism, Work Ethics
A quick August 2022 note.
First off, “Work” here includes all occupations such as standard employment, student, homemaker, caretaker, child raiser, sex worker, running your own business, etc. It applies a bit more to situations where there’s pressures to perform to a certain level or you may lose the occupation.
And what is that break? Burnout. Meltdowns. Loss of ability to self-care outside of working hours is a trap that doesn’t end well for the employee.
A wise person said “If you don’t take care of your body, your body & illness will make you take care of your body.” The same goes for other factors of our health. If we’re not doing proper self-care, and replenishing our energy, our energy system in our body will burn out.