United Front: Building Trust Course
- All Courses, Featured, For Plurals, Sliding Scale
- 33 (Registered)

This course is now open for self-led students.
This is now a stand-alone, self-paced course. We are requesting up to $25 for this course, with a sliding scale of $0-25USD. Please see https://pluralityresource.org/support-give-back/ for more info on how to support these courses if you are unable to give money for the course or for payment alternatives. To compensate other than $25USD, use the “offline payment” feature, you can select options via the Support & Give Back link — and we’ll manually approve you into the course soon.
About this Course
This course is specifically for plural & DID systems challenged by internal conflict, not able to get along inside, or who want to massively improve trust in their system (which may help with communication, rescuing headmates, managing daily issues, or working towards functional multiplicity).
Course Objective: Students will work through the paradigms, obstacles, and behaviors that pull system mates apart and encourage discord in order to replace them with compassion, equality or equity, mutual respect and even trust that are needed to deescalate internal conflict, achieve group goals, and fully embrace that y’all are all in this together.
Upon completion, students will be eligible to enroll in United Front: Building Community.
This is a self-paced course to learn and practice how to:
- Accept your& current reality and that everyone in your system is trying to protect you& in their own way, even if the results are undesirable
- Promote communication, compromise and internal safety
- Foster an environment suitable for co-consciousness or future rescue missions to help lost or stuck headmates
- Develop empathy, compassion and healthier internal boundaries so that there’s less passive influence from emotional flashbacks
- Notice when anxiety triggers stuck & lost headmates or system rebels into having flashbacks & flooding, and responding compassionately
- Understand how it feels to be in “their shoes” and put an end to behaviors that oppress and demean headmates
- Create a stronger foundation of trust for community, communication or collaboration in the future
- Reconcile intra-system rifts between headmates, system members or alters
We recommend that students:
- Have a System Safety Plan already in place
- Not be in crisis or constant denial
- Have a professional supporter aware that you’re going through the course, or a strong external support system in place
- Bring a willingness for both/all sides to come to the table, and try (yeah we know!) to leave your attitudes at the door.
- Commit to getting through the full course, even if your entire system is suddenly singing songs and making smores around a campfire in your Inner World.
Since this is specifically for systems with internal conflict and everyone needs to feel safe coming to the table, whether in your body or in a group with other systems, we suggest that y’all have a temporary truce & some extra ground rules:
- No attacks against anyone in the course, comments, or forums whether in your body or other bodies. Attacking anyone (instructor included) will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the course, and possibly from the website as a whole.
- If you& do not feel that everyone can be civil towards others, this is not the course for y’all and y’all should instead try out our system trust issues podcast series (6 episode series, about 3 hours, all 6 episodes have transcripts).
This course is based around the “System Trust Issues” series of our podcast Many Minds on the Issue (starting with episode 009: Welcome to DID: We are not your enemy), and the United Front: Building Trust pilot group coaching sessions from 2020 & 2022. Feel free to listen to the podcast series before the course starts, though the episodes are also assigned and discussed during the course along with supplementary lectures, readings, videos, etc.
For an overview of how our offerings weave into each other, and flowcharts to help pick where y’all would like to go next, see the United Front System Self-Help Flowchart/Decision Maker.
This course is a mix of text-based lectures, recorded presentations, audio recordings, and written materials/suggested assignments.
To get the most from the course students will need to take advantage of all the provided materials unless they are marked as optional or suggested. We have done our best to accommodate accessibility needs, please alert the instructor if you have trouble accessing any course materials.
Note: no fee is required for this course. It’s available as a sliding scale $0-25, you can find instructions for how to give back more, volunteer or barter, offer a different amount, etc. at the Support & Give Back page.
- 7 Sections
- 43 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Building Trust: Course IntroductionCourse Overhead & Application Process6
- Week 1 - Recruits v. RebelsLeveling the Playing Field - Content Opens March 7th7
- Week 2 - AISOAVVThe Law of Commerce between Systems - Opens March 146
- Week 3 - Boundaries & EmpathyThings that belong stay in, things that don't stay out. - Opens March 217
- Week 4 - Panic reactionsAll the F-Words - Opens March 286
- Week 5 - System Trust Issues - compromising trust & Building trustOpens April 46
- Week 6: Principles & CommunityOpens April 115
We believe in inclusive community, and strong advocacy and support for struggling, disabled and stigmatized community members. We advocate for faster diagnosis, better therapies, adjunct & complementary offerings that can help boost the efficacy of recovery efforts on behalf of disordered, dysfunctional and struggling plural & DID systems. For our full background pertaining to creating courses on this site please see Instructor Background: The Crisses. We are an autistic, disabled, non-binary, gender-fluid, plural-identified quoigenic DID-diagnosed polyfragmented modular system with about 157+ system members of a wide variety of types. We are geeks, authors, content creators, instructors, healers, coaches, and mental health advocates. We have hEDS, CIDP, Reynaud's syndrome, several other related issues, and are transition opportunists. We live in upstate New York in the USA, and we moonlight as a pet sitter. For our full CV, please see https://Crisses.org.