United Front: System Mapping Course
- All Courses, For Plurals, Sliding Scale
- 40 (Registered)

How do you use system maps to describe and track your system, locate lost/stuck headmates, and improve internal system dynamics?
This is now a stand-alone, self-paced course. We are requesting $10 for this course, with a sliding scale of $0-10USD. Please see https://pluralityresource.org/support-give-back/ for more info on how to support these courses if you are unable to give money for the course or for payment alternatives. To compensate other than $10USD, use the “offline payment” feature, let us know how you would like to support the course, and we’ll manually approve you into the course.
A self-paced independent course to learn more about:
- How to use mapping to “feel out” your system
- Different styles of headmaps and ways to create them
- How to utilize headmaps for selves-help work with the principle of As Inside, So Outside (& Vice Versa)
- Using headmaps to help improve internal communication
This course covers:
- Inner world awareness basics
- Internal communication basics (roll-calls, pings, etc.)
- Technology that can be used to create and maintain headmaps
Suitable candidates for this course should:
- Be in reasonable communication with at least one other headmate
- Not to be in crisis or constant denial
- Have the willingness to explore your system structure, taxonomy, and inner world and possibly discover new headmates
Accessibility issues for this course:
- All video captions/audio transcripts are corrected.
- 1 video needs visual descriptions.
This course contains a variety of images and photos (all with detailed image descriptions).
The first video (from the Plural Positivity World Conference video) is fully captioned but needs visual descriptions. The other in-course video is pending caption corrections and is not yet visually described. We apologize for any inconvenience; we are working to correct these deficits.
To get the most from the course students will need to take advantage of all the provided materials unless they are marked as optional or suggested.
Not all software suggested for those who wish to use software for mapping is fully accessible, and that’s on their manufacturers. Mapping one’s system does not require any software at all.
We also hope to add 3D and textural map examples in the future. We were working on this course curriculum while experiencing a health crisis and unable to be more physically creative.
For an overview of how our offerings weave into each other, and flowcharts to help pick where y’all would like to go next, see the United Front System Self-Help Flowchart/Decision Maker.
- 5 Sections
- 31 Lessons
- Lifetime
- System Mapping Course IntroductionBackground information about the course, technical preparation materials, etc.7
- Week 1: We're All Connected6
- Week 2: Get Mappin'6
- Week 3: AISOAVV: As Inside, So Outside (and Vice Versa)5
- Week 4: Inner Work with Maps7
We believe in inclusive community, and strong advocacy and support for struggling, disabled and stigmatized community members. We advocate for faster diagnosis, better therapies, adjunct & complementary offerings that can help boost the efficacy of recovery efforts on behalf of disordered, dysfunctional and struggling plural & DID systems. For our full background pertaining to creating courses on this site please see Instructor Background: The Crisses. We are an autistic, disabled, non-binary, gender-fluid, plural-identified quoigenic DID-diagnosed polyfragmented modular system with about 157+ system members of a wide variety of types. We are geeks, authors, content creators, instructors, healers, coaches, and mental health advocates. We have hEDS, CIDP, Reynaud's syndrome, several other related issues, and are transition opportunists. We live in upstate New York in the USA, and we moonlight as a pet sitter. For our full CV, please see https://Crisses.org.